Spiritual Centre

P.O. Box 293
Kampung Purak
KM 40, Jalan Lama
89608 Papar

A retreat centre operated by the Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Conception. A serene area surrounded by greenery and suitable for quiet contemplation.

The hermitage was first built in 2000 and was blessed by Archbishop John Lee. Their leading service is to give seminars and guided retreats.

The number of people using this place is growing each year, with local and foreign religious and lay retreatants. Thus, the congregation sees the need to grow their service.

The hermitage was first built for the sisters to experience a life of contemplation and solitude like that of St Francis of Assisi, abiding by the hermitage rules. Fortunately, they also open a place for the public to spend quiet time with God, personally or guided.

The types of retreat offered by La Foresta are as follows: 1) Preached retreat: a silent group retreat with specific theme; 2) Guided retreat: a small group retreat, totally in silence with daily presentations, reflections and optional spiritual guidance; 3) Individual directed retreat: a personal encounter with God in prayer and solitude, in which the individual will see a retreat guide; 4) Personal retreat: the retreatant will make his or her own prayer and reflection schedule, spending time in solitude and great silence; and finally 5) One-day program: a recollection or seminar.

There are nine prayer huts located separately under the canopy of green forest to encourage silence and minimal physical contact among retreatants. Meanwhile, the new building consists of six single rooms, three double rooms, one dormitory for six people, one meeting room, one room for a small group session, one pastoral counseling room, one for the sale of religious articles, and a mini hall/dining room. The sisters will also prepare meals for retreatants.

Please contact Sr Joan Michael at 016 – 848 7168 for more information.